Any hospital, any where can participate. Collaborate with other HPB teams and gain real-time insights into your hospital's patient care.
Real-time secure analytics of surgical data to guide improvement. Data is captured using a user-friendly, customisable secure database.
Using a range of web-based tools, track your unit's outcomes, activity and link in with other data sources. Ask important clinical questions and generate answers fast. Metrics can be adjusted and customised.
Having a reliable data ecosystem that allows clinicians to easily analyse data and drive change is crucial to modern surgical care. We decided to develop a database system that provides clinicians easy to use feedback in real time. Any where can participate and collaborate together to drive innovations in surgery for patients with often complex diseases.
Launched in Edinburgh as our first pilot site in 2020, we have started capturing data on liver and pancreas patients. There will be an initial roll-out phase as cases get uploaded and historical data is input. We are integrating different data sources together to provide rich datasets that are easy to create in a busy world.
As we develop the tools and systems behind HPB Data - we want to work collaboratively with other teams. Bringing together a community of HPB teams to gather high-quality data and drive real-time improvement through sharing good clinical practice, innovation and research.
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3